Skincare: NUTOX Basic 123 Set Review
Okay lah I tarik balik my statement entry before regarding product susah masuk drugstore, sebab baru baru ni je I jelajah drugstore and tengok lambakan produk melayu yg dah berbondong-bondong masuk. Haih, drugstore market pun all these millionaires product timbang kilo nak kacau ke? I know they wanna cari makan tapi where as we can go after this untuk dapatkan product yg selamat digunakan? Even Caring Pharmacy yg ada certain selected good product pun got that Melayu product yg hurm entah lah tatau nak kata. Bkn tak support Melayu, dah support pun sebelum ni sebabtu I can say this way. Banyak buruk dr yg baik. Last 3 years, muka I breakout teruk plus sunburn right few days before tunang sebab product melayu lah. Ok done about that, move to review. I bought NUTOX Basic 123 Set as I find ST does not enough untuk cover others skin concern of mine. Honestly I pakai beli je NUTOX ni. Satu je sebab: It's PARABEN Free. Ya kalian, I am one of those that reacted so bad towards Par...