Babies: Breastfeeding 101 (Part 2)

Note: I am currently fully breastfeed my 17 months baby.
Disclaimer: This entry being write based on my breastfeeding journey alone and not necessary work on others. Any sharing tips given that being followed are under own risk and any product stated not being sponsored by any brand.

Hai mommies, welcome back. Takyah sembang panjang. Here you go the cont of Breastfeeding 101 (Part 1) ;

Third/Forth weeks of confinement - Adapting phase

Those struggling phase has passed, now kita masuk ke minggu ketiga dan keempat. More to adapting the breastfeeding environment. Okay for mommies yg case same like me, inverted nipples, probably this weeks masih lagi struggle untuk ajar baby latch. Your path might be harder than other mommies tapi trust me it will worth it at the end. Keep remind yourself "these hardship shall pass" HUGS!

What did I do/consume during adapting phase?

1) Pumping and Air Akar Herbanika

On this week, I kept my routine simple and short for my milk production.

Excuse those tiny hands -.-"

I buy the single lacte pump. Boleh guna power bank if kita jauh dr plug. So useful and cheap (dasar rakyat marhaen). I can't suggest which pump that works wonder. Mommies can read few reviews first before buy any pump, okay? Rajin sikit please.

Okay, berbalik pd what I did. I just keep pumping/latching or both every 3 hours. The pumping method I use was "Power Pumping" (have mention this earlier) Besides, I do consume air Akar Herbanika from Nona Roguy everyday. This air akar works incredibly superb for me and Malika wey! Can you imagine on the first time I pump, I just can collect half of ounces. Yes 0.5 ounce. Not even 1 ounce pun, pretty sad aite? Bila da masuk 2/3 week, tanam nekad dalam hati to consistent pump for milk production and with Allah mercy, rezeki buat Malika mencurah bak di ladang gandum.

So for milk booster drink + energy booster drink in confinement, I solely used Air Akar and nisbah untuk rebus dia adalah:

1 paket Air Akar + 5 mug air

This kind of mug okay? 
Bkn mug buat air utk tetamu.
Itu nnt dpt yg cair je karang.

Do take note that this 1 packet of Air Akar can be used over and over again, sampai lah air tu taste plain like water. Maknanya the herbs inside dah habis. Bila dah buat nisbah above, the next rebusan dah boleh letak air banyak. Like 1 litre maybe? So instead of kita minum air masak (which some oldies tak bagi minum byk sbb takut 'bawah' kita soggy) or air periuk (some babies can't tolerate the heat), mommies can drink this. But please don't expect the taste will be nice okay? Air herba kot.

Warning: This Air Akar might be one of ikhtiar to reduce jaundice for your babies IF and ONLY IF baby you RASI dengan this herbs. If their jaundice rises after you drink Air Akar, do stop consume or do not take the risk at all if you are afraid/paranoid. Cerita Jaundice, next time k?

So below is the simplified of my breastfeeding/pumping schedule everyday during my confinement days. Basically it just a rough guideline mana tahu mommies boleh gain some ideas from the table. kan? Sharing is caring though.

6 a.m
Power Pumping
(I do for a hour)
Minum Air Akar
*low bp – minum Air Akar SELEPAS breakfast only
8 a.m
Settle baby
( Mandi, susukan through bottle using milk that I pump earlier) a.m
Mummy ; Breakfast (minum Air Akar)
10 a.m
Baby latch
*masa ni baby tak reti latch sangat so basically I do the pumping right after
1 p.m
Lunch, (minum Air Akar)
Baby latch
*still cont pumping due to baby did not latch properly just yet
2 – 4 p.m
Tilik baby, belek baby, and basically all goes around baby
Taking nap is good here!
(minum Air Akar)
4 p.m
Baby latch, cont power pumping
6 - 7 p.m
Baby mandi,
Mummy ; mandi,
 Dinner (minum Air Akar)
7 p.m
Baby latch, cont power pumping
8 – 12 p.m
Mummy sleep
(to gain energy for taking turns with daddy for sleepless night)
10 p.m  baby bottle feed
12 p.m
Power pumping (30 mins only)
(minum Air Akar)
1 a.m
Baby latch
3-4 a.m
Baby latch cont;
power pumping (as short as I can sbb on 6 a.m nak pump lg)
6 a.m
Back to up there

Please bear in mind that the reason why I continue pumping after the latching session just because I am one of the person yg orang kategorikan "tiada susu". My supply that time sangat sikit and limited. IF you diberikan rezeki milk supply yg banyak, boleh asingkan pumping and latching time. Atau boleh buat jadual, latching in the noon while pumping in the night? Semua based on mommies punya own milk supply condition.

2) Fresh and healthy Confinement meals 

So atas da cakap pasal drink yg boost my supply, the other unsung hero that help my supply was fresh and healthy confinement meals. I always remind Nik (my husband) way before I deliver that I need fresh and healthy confinement meals kalau dia nak I breastfeed his kids. Sebab milk supply perlu dtg dr meal yg cukup kalori utk production. So I ask for my husband to find those healthy fresh fish. I skip those skeptical thought yg masa pantang kena makan ikan kering and ikan bilis. Ladies, tahukah anda ikan kering boleh membuat kan darah nifas anda berbau hanyir? Darah nifas kita patutnya odorless, lain dr darah period. So kalau darah nifas anda hanyir, check your diet! Basically ikan kering, ikan pekasam, makanan yg diperam/jeruk punca darah nifas menjadi hanyir, so elakkan makan those foods during confinement okay?

Masa pantang dulu, I really strict for my everyday meal. I will only eat Fish dan ikan tu kena ikan isi putih, why? buat research sendiri! KAH!

Day 1 – Day 44
Fish and Veggies ONLY

-          Salmon
-          Ikan Bawal Putih
-          Ikan Selar
-          Broccoli
-          Cauliflower
-          Sawi
-          Carrot

Day 44 – Day 60
Added CHICKEN in my diet
Day 60 onwards
Moderately add SEAFOOD in my diet

Nah basic raw ingredients that I ate during confinement. Walaupun variety lauk seakan sugul, be creative with the taste mommies! At least better than ikan kering/ikan bilis hari2, ye dak?

What ever we eat will determine the production of milk tau. Did you know that we need 2500kcal per day to breastfeed (usually normal women will only need 2000 kcal je) Breastfeed mom tambah another 500, and 500 neither small nor large amount. Pandai2 adjust and add on those food yg necessary.

Anything I consume semua in moderation. Itu kot boleh hilang sampai 20 kg in confinement (lps tu tak jaga makan naik balik, don't be like me ahahaha).

So, That's the basic two yang I jaga sangat masa minggu ke 3/4 pantang. Pumping and meals. Yang lain cuma lah ikhtiar, ex: Milk Booster product. But bear in mind, I only add on milk booster product selepas pantang 100 days. During confinement mmg tak makan benda pelik2. Milk booster product and me just not so ngam. I've try a few tapi result dia mcm krik krik krik. Kalau milk booster through food that I ate, banyak. Yg this one mommies kena try and erro sendiri makanan mana yg membantu your milk production to increase.

Disebabkan entry ni dah diperam lama (since Dec 2017), so jadi macam tergantung sikit the ending. Dari biarkan entry ni diperam lagi, moh ler publish. Jadinya berguna ke idok tips iolls? Ke mcm syok sendiri je? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Anything leave a comment down below okay? Muah for all mommies, tak kira yg breastfeed or not, we are ONE!


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